Easter services are pretty much the same as weekend services...just with some Easter-y flair! Expect a special something to kick off our service, a celebratory time of worship, and an Easter message from Lead Pastor Tony Widdel—all totaling 60 minutes. We’ll also have some sweet treats in the commons following services! You should 100% invite your friends and family.
We've created a special Easter service just for kids birth-5th grade, and everyone is invited to check their kids in—even if it's their first (or only) time. Pro tip: make things quick and easy by pre-registering!
Wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable! Maybe you're in a jeans-and-sweater kind of mood, or maybe you just scored a great deal on the perfect Easter fit. Whether you want to go casual or dress it up a bit, your style will fit right in.
Totally up to you! Here are some things to consider:
Leave a little buffer to check your kids into KIDSPOINT.
Each campus has a special photo spot where you can take a family photo before or after the service.
If you’ve invited friends, leave a little time to show them around and find seats together.