Day 22
Yesterday was Father's Day! What a great day to celebrate how special dads are and the role they play in the family. Today we want to pray specifically for parents.
You might have kids of your own or play a parenting role for kids who aren't even your own... either way what you do is special and incredibly important.
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Pray for parents to...
1. Point their kids to Jesus and help them follow Him.
2. Build Godly characteristics into each of their kids.
3. Be full of the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT.
4. Find community & friends to DO LIFE TOGETHER in this demanding season of life.
***CITYPOINT CHURCH wants to be known for supporting and loving families in Washington Co. - Would you help live that out today. Be mindful of the families and parents you see. Think about how you can encourage them today!